Senior lecturer at Paris Descartes University
Contact : bindiserena [at]
Doctor in social anthropology and ethnology (EHESS, 2009 ; University of Siena 2009)
Researcher, associated member of the Centre for Himalayan Studies - UPR 299
Driven by an interest in religion as a therapeutic resource and in places of interaction between different types of knowledge and therapeutic practices, Serena Bindi carries out research in the fields of the anthropology of health and the anthropology of the religious. Her main field of investigation is the state of Uttarakhand in North India.
After researching care and divination practices with a focus on possession in the Baghirati River valley in Garhwal, she embarked on a study of divinatory practices in the city of Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand. Her research sets out to analyse the way certain events that are interpreted and thus "produced" through the ritual and divination, contribute to shaping social reality.
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Main publications :
2013, "Patrimonialiser la culture : la mise en scène des rituels de possession en Uttarakhand", in Trans-nationalisme et patrimonialisation : vers une reconfiguration des ressources thérapeutiques, dir. L. Candelise, numéro thématique Anthropologie et Santé, No.6, May 2013.
2012, "L’événement et la maladie", Mondes Contemporains, No. 2.
2012, "L’événement de la maladie entre pratiques et structures. Analyse dialogique d’un épisode de maladie en Uttarakhand",in Mondes Contemporains No. 1, November 2012, pp. 13-33.
2012, "‘When there were only gods, then there was no disease, no need for doctors’ : weakening bodies and forsaken deities in the Indian Himalayas", in Medical anthropology in Europe : shaping the field, dir. E. Hsu et C. Potter, Special Issue Anthropology and Medicine, Vol. 19, No. 1, April 2012, pp. 85–94.
2012, "I posseduti delle divinità della casa in Uttarakhand (India del Nord). Negoziare la realtà della possessione : esperienze, discorsi e pratiche" (The possessed of the deities of the house in Uttarakhand, North India. Negotiating the reality of possession : experiences, discourses, practices), in Dalla nascita alla morte. Rappresentazioni e pratiche del sacro, dir. L. La Rocca et V. Nizzo, Roma, Ediarché, 11 p.
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