The Himalayas and Beyond : Centre for Himalayan Studies blog
Sciences du langage et monde contemporain, François Jacquesson’s blog (in French)
Cartoon strip by François Jacquesson "Parlez vous deori ? La vie d’un passeur de langues"
Research project website
Brahmaputra Studies - Languages, Cultures and Territories in North-East India. The "Corpora" section gives access to most of the copyright-free sources about North-East India.
CanalU - pluridisciplinary site offering the possibility of publishing videos in an environment devoted to teaching and research : houses more than 40 000 vidéos
CNRS Images - video library
Interuniversity Research Group on Tibet and the Himalayas, Quebec
JUST-INDIA - programme ANR "Justice and governance in India and South Asia"
Kham - ERC project "Territories, Communities and Exchanges in the Sino-Tibetan Kham Borderlands (China)"
Nepal Research - about Nepalese and Himalayan studies
Nordic Himayalan Research Network
PRESHINE - ANR programme "Pressures on Water and Soil Resources in Nepal, Himalaya"
Réseau Chercheurs Népal - includes more than seventy researchers and students working in Nepal and affiliated with French institutions
RULNAT - ANR programme "Ruling on Nature : Animals and the Environment before the Court
TERRE-EAUX - ANR programme "Dynamiques des territoires et des écosystèmes et représentations des évolutions induites par les changements globaux"
CNRS YouTube Channel
Special issue of Focus (CNRS-UPS2259’s newsletter) on CEH
Assam Tribune online
Bhutan News Network
Daily excelsior
The Shillong Times
The East Mojo
Gorkhapatra (Nepal)
Kantipur (Nepal)
Kuensel Online (Bhoutan)
Nepali times
Northeast Today Magazine
Photobook, 2019 - Nepal and France : 70 years of diplomatic ties (French Embassy in Nepal)
Setopati, Nepal’s digital newspaper
The Times of India
Academic Institutions
Association des Jeunes Études Indiennes (AJEI)
Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies
Centre d’études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud
Center for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS) Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (CSH) - New Delhi
Gauhati University
G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment & Sustainable Development
International Association for Ladakh Studies (IALS)
International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP)
International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)
North Eastern Hill University
European Society for Studies of Central Asia and Himalayan Regions (SEECHAC)
Société Française d’Études du Monde Tibétain (SFEMT)
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
Assamese Language - the easternmost Indo-European Language
Arts & Crafts of North-East : in collaboration with the National Museum Institute
Asian Maps University of Texas
Digital Himalaya
Digital Library of India on
Digital South Asia Library - numerous resources, including Turner’s Nepali Dictionary as well as about a hundred issues of Sansar, the Nepalese diaspora’s newspaper in India (1926-1929)
Himalayan Art
Library of Congress
Library of Congress - Bhutan
Library of Congress - Nepal
Nepal Policy Research Network
Oriental and India Office Collections of the British Library
PAHAR - a rich collection of writings and maps concerning the Himalayas
Plants of Nepal
India Biodiversity Portal
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
South/Southeast Asia Library Service - Berkeley
Academic Journals
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
Himalaya Journal
Himalayan Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (Tribhuvan University)
Journals published from Nepal