Organisateur et partenaires
Sino-Nepal Joint Research Centre for Geography, Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, and Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, China
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) et Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)/Programme ANR -13-SENV-0005 PRESHINE, France
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal
Nepal Geographical Society, Nepal
Department of Land Science and Biogeography, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Mountain Branch of Chinese Geographical Society, China
SiChuan Geographical Society, China
Mountain regions are a high-energy environment prone to seisms, landslides, floods and snow disasters. The response of mountainous regions in the context of global change mainly due to climate change, to improvement in access, to the extension of human mobilities and social networks, and to policy initiatives at international level through bilateral and multi-lateral agreements is ongoing, leading to obvious changes in various types of ecosystems. Climate change not only affects biodiversity and ecosystem services, but also greatly impacts people living in mountainous regions, due, for example, to frequent environmental disasters, which directly or indirectly affect community safety and challenge mountain development. As the “Third Pole” in the world, the Himalayas are known as the water tower of Asia, with a large area covered in snow and glaciers. The impact of climate change on the region has widely drawn the attention of many scientists for many years now, and improved knowledge on it has helped the region to adapt to climate change to a considerable extent. Likewise, the improvement in accessibility to markets and services, the development of tourism, and the introduction of policies related to conservation and development through bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements have also generated several consequences in the sustainable development of mountain areas. Since the impact of global change is an ever-increasing trend, we must continue to improve our ability to adapt to the changes. Therefore, this is the motivation and the purpose for this meeting, to exchange and share the latest research findings and knowledge of mountain development in the context of globalization and climate change.
Conference Themes and Special Focus
1.Impact of climate change on mountains
2. Ecological response and adaptation in mountains against background of climate change
3. Sustainable management of natural resources in mountain areas
4. Risk management of environmental disasters in mountain areas
5. Tourism and mobilities
6. Livelihood adaptation and sustainability in mountain areas
7. Policy tools for mountain development
Call for Abstracts and Papers
You are welcome to send your research abstract and papers for oral and poster presentation to the International Conference which will be held on 22nd -23rd April, 2018 on the theme “Mountain Development in a Context of Global Change”.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline | 20th February 2018 |
Abstract acceptance notification | 28th February 2018 |
Early Bird registration deadline | 5th March 2018 |
Final Registration deadline | 20th March 2018 |
PP Presentation due on or before | 22nd April 2018 |
Register all day | 21st April 2018 |
Conference day | 22nd -23rd April 2018 |
Conference network dinner | 22nd April 2018 |
Post Conference tour | 24th -25th April 2018 |
Return | 26th April 2018 |
Full Paper Submission Deadline | 12th October 2018 |
Venue : Hotel Himalaya, Kupondole Height, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Registration : The registration fee is NRP 5,000 for Nepalese participants and USD 100 for foreign participants. It will be paid at registration desk at conference venue on registration day of 21st April 2018.
Pour plus d’informations concernant la conférence
Pour consulter ou télécharger les "Guidelines for preparation of abstract"
Voir en ligne : Site dédié à la conférence internationale