Ruling on Nature. Animals and the Environment before the Court
organized by Daniela Berti, Vanessa Manceron et Sandrine Revet
30 June – 2 July 2022
Campus Condorcet, Bâtiment de Recherche Sud
5, Cours des Humanités – room 0.033 (ground floor)
Aubervilliers Metro : Front Populaire (Line 12)
General Schedule
Thursday, June 30
9.30 am : Coffee and Welcome
10am–12.30 pm : Monitoring and Punishing
- Vanessa Manceron (CNRS, LESC) & Giovanni Gugg (Rulnat, LAPCOS) : The Vigilantes of the Dawn. Ethnography of Bird Protection Activism in the Naples area, Italy
- Gaëlle Ronsin (ENS, CAK) & Jérôme Michalon (CNRS, Triangle) : Exceptional or Routinized Judiciarization ? Registers of Expertise and Mobilization about the Judgment of Mistreatments on Seals
Discussant : Véronique Bouillier (CNRS, CEIAS)
2pm–5pm : The Rights of Nature
- Mihnea Tanasescu (University of Bruxelles) : Understanding the Rights of Nature : A Critical Introduction
- Claire Duboscq (Rulnat, CERI) : Judicializing Colombia’s Nature : Making Nation through Law ?
- Pierre Brunet (University La Sorbonne) : Rights of Nature : A Multilevel Tool Box
Discussant : Isacco Turina (University of Bologna)
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Friday, July 1
10am–12.30pm : Scientific Expertise and the Court
- Daniela Berti (CNRS,CEH) : Connecting Tigers : Scientific Reports and Wildlife Politics in India
- Sandrine Revet (CERI, SciencesPo) : Equipping One’ s Claim. Expertise and Protection of the Rights of Nature and of Local Communities in the Atrato Region of Colombia
Discussant : Carolina Angel Botero (University of Los Andes, Bogota)
2pm–5pm : Of Categories and Definitions
- Ritwick Dutta (National Green Tribunal, LIFE) : India’s Three Pest Campaign : Implications of Categorising Animals as Vermins
- Mara Benadusi (University of Catania) : Running Amok. Wildness, Domestication and Captivity in Legal Struggles over Proboscideans in Sri Lanka
- Anthony Good (University of Edinburgh) : Wildcats or Wind Farms ? Competing Environmental Priorities in Rural Scotland
Discussant : Joëlle Smadja (CNRS, CEH)
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Saturday, July 2
10am–12.30 pm : Activism and the Use of Law
- Pia Bailleul (Rulnat, CEH) : Radioactive Minerals in Greenland : Geological, Legal and Political Fluctuations of Nuclearity (1950-2022)
- Karine Peschard (Geneva Academy of IHLH) : Seed Activism : Challenging Biotech Patents in the Courts in Brazil and India
Discussant : Chiara Letizia (University of Montréal)
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