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  • Centre d'Etudes Himalayennes
    UPR 299 - CNRS
  • Campus Condorcet
  • 2, cours des Humanités
  • 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
  • France
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Accueil > Colloques, journées d’étude > Projet ANR RULNAT (2020–2025)

Ruling on Nature. Animals and the Environment...

Ruling on Nature. Animals and the Environment before the Court

organized by Daniela Berti, Vanessa Manceron et Sandrine Revet

30 June – 2 July 2022

Campus Condorcet, Bâtiment de Recherche Sud

5, Cours des Humanités – room 0.033 (ground floor)

Aubervilliers Metro : Front Populaire (Line 12)

General Schedule

Thursday, June 30

9.30 am : Coffee and Welcome

10am–12.30 pm : Monitoring and Punishing

  • Vanessa Manceron (CNRS, LESC) & Giovanni Gugg (Rulnat, LAPCOS) : The Vigilantes of the Dawn. Ethnography of Bird Protection Activism in the Naples area, Italy
  • Gaëlle Ronsin (ENS, CAK) & Jérôme Michalon (CNRS, Triangle) : Exceptional or Routinized Judiciarization ? Registers of Expertise and Mobilization about the Judgment of Mistreatments on Seals

Discussant : Véronique Bouillier (CNRS, CEIAS)

2pm–5pm : The Rights of Nature

  • Mihnea Tanasescu (University of Bruxelles) : Understanding the Rights of Nature : A Critical Introduction
  • Claire Duboscq (Rulnat, CERI) : Judicializing Colombia’s Nature : Making Nation through Law ?
  • Pierre Brunet (University La Sorbonne) : Rights of Nature : A Multilevel Tool Box

Discussant : Isacco Turina (University of Bologna)

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Friday, July 1

10am–12.30pm : Scientific Expertise and the Court

  • Daniela Berti (CNRS,CEH) : Connecting Tigers : Scientific Reports and Wildlife Politics in India
  • Sandrine Revet (CERI, SciencesPo) : Equipping One’ s Claim. Expertise and Protection of the Rights of Nature and of Local Communities in the Atrato Region of Colombia

Discussant : Carolina Angel Botero (University of Los Andes, Bogota)

2pm–5pm : Of Categories and Definitions

  • Ritwick Dutta (National Green Tribunal, LIFE) : India’s Three Pest Campaign : Implications of Categorising Animals as Vermins
  • Mara Benadusi (University of Catania) : Running Amok. Wildness, Domestication and Captivity in Legal Struggles over Proboscideans in Sri Lanka
  • Anthony Good (University of Edinburgh) : Wildcats or Wind Farms ? Competing Environmental Priorities in Rural Scotland

Discussant : Joëlle Smadja (CNRS, CEH)

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Saturday, July 2

10am–12.30 pm : Activism and the Use of Law

  • Pia Bailleul (Rulnat, CEH) : Radioactive Minerals in Greenland : Geological, Legal and Political Fluctuations of Nuclearity (1950-2022)
  • Karine Peschard (Geneva Academy of IHLH) : Seed Activism : Challenging Biotech Patents in the Courts in Brazil and India

Discussant : Chiara Letizia (University of Montréal)

Full programme and abstracts

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