Accueil > European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EBHR)
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The European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EBHR) was founded by the late Richard Burghart in 1991 and has appeared twice yearly ever since. It is edited on a rotating basis between France (CNRS), Germany (South Asia Institute) and the United Kingdom (SOAS). From 2019 to 2023, the EBHR is hosted at the CNRS’s Centre for Himalayan Studies in France. The current co-editors are : Tristan Bruslé (CNRS), Stéphane Gros (CNRS) and Philippe Ramirez (CNRS).
The EBHR publishes in English with the aim of reaching a wide audience around the world. The subjects covered by the journal range from geography and economics to anthropology, sociology, philology, history, art history, archaeology and history of religions. This multidisciplinarity has so far defined the journal in its mission to be a publication outlet for Himalayan studies at large, across areas of specialty within the field of human and social sciences.
In terms of geographical scope, the journal has published material that covers the Himalayas within a broad definition, not limited to the geological region, but taken to include the Karakorum, Hindukush, Ladakh, southern Tibet, Kashmir, north-west India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and north-east India.
Publishing with and reading the EBHR is free of charge and the journal content is licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. Back issues are available on the Digital Himalaya platform.
The EBHR is published with the support of the Institut des sciences humaines et sociales (InSHS) of the CNRS.
See the Overview and other links for more detail about the journal.