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    UPR 299 - CNRS
  • Campus Condorcet
  • 2, cours des Humanités
  • 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
  • France
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Projet ERC "Kham" (2012-2016)

Stéphane Gros (CNRS/CEH) était chargé de coordonner ce projet.

Stephane Gros "Kham Project : Territories, Communities, Exchanges in the Sino-Tibetan Kham Borderlands", 20 sept 2016

Stéphane Gros (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), "Matrifocality and the House in Drapa (Zhaba)", 20 février 2016

Katia Buffetrille (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes), "The Increasing Visibility of the Borderlands" (février 2016)

Eric Mortensen (Guilford College)," Boundaries of the Borderlands : Mapping Gyalthang" (février 2016)

Dáša Mortensen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), "Wangchuk Tempa and the Control of Gyalthang in the Early-Twentieth Century" (février 2016)

Elizabeth Reynolds (Columbia University), "Monasteries, Merchants, and Long Distance Trade: The Economic Power of Tibetan Monasteries in Northern Kham (1900-1959)" (février 2016)

Lucia Galli (University of Oxford), "The Price of Enlightenment: The Travel Account of Kha stag ʼDzam yag, a Pilgrim and a Tshong dpon (1944-1956)" (février 2016)

C. Pat Giersch (Wellesley College), "Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion Along Twentieth-Century China’s Southwestern and Tibetan Borderlands" (février 2016)

John Bray, "French Catholic Missions and Sino-Tibetan Trade: Local Networks and International Enterprise" (février 2016)

Yudru Tsomu (Sichuan University), " Rise of a Political Strongman in Dergé in the Early Twentieth Century: A Story of Jagö Topden" (février 2016)

Tenzin Jinba (National University of Singapore), "Two Gyalrong Weddings Under Fire: Rethinking of the Ongoing ’Sinicization’ and ’Tibetanization’ on the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands" (février 2016)

Chen Bo (Sichuan University), “House Society” Revisited" (février 2016)

Dawa Drolma (Bay Path University), "The Renaissance of Traditional Dzongsar Craft-making in the Meshö Valley: An Insider’s Perspective on New Economic Processes and Identity Transformations in Sino-Tibetan Borderlands" (février 2016)

Isabelle Henrion Dourcy (University of Laval), "Making Movies in the Gesar Heartland: The Burgeoning of a Kham Film Production in rDzogs-chen" (février 2016)

Mark Frank, "Chinese Physiocracy: Kham as Laboratory for the Agrarian Theory of China" (février 2016)

Scott Relyea (Hamline University), "Settling Authority: Sichuanese Farmers in Early Twentieth Century Eastern Tibet" (février 2016)

Fabienne Jagou, "Manchu Officials’ Khams Travel Accounts: Mapping a Course Through a Qing Territory" (février 2016)

Chiseling and sand casting in Derge (Kham, Tibet), June 2015. Tashi Wangyal and Migyur Tashi’s workshop

The Printing House of Derge (décembre 2014)

Paper-making in Derge (décembre 2014)

Introduction par Stéphane Gros, Workshop: "Territories, communities, and exchange in Kham Sino-Tibetan Borderlands 25 juin 2013

"The frontier interface : Geography, transport, and the limits of trade" Patrick Booz Territories, communities, and exchange in Kham Sino-Tibetan Borderlands 25 juin 2013

"The Kha ba dkar po pilgrimage : Regional relevance and specificities" Katia Buffetrille Territories, communities, and exchange in Kham Sino-Tibetan Borderlands 25 juin 2013

David Atwill : "Islam in Kham project a forgotten Shangri-la" Workshop : "Territories, communities, and exchange in Kham Sino-Tibetan Borderlands" 25 juin 2013